Huynher's Adventure

We've finally decided to take the plunge to see the world. We are heading off to our 1-year Round the World Trip. We’ve chosen our destinations, bought our plane tickets and temporarily kissed exisitential boredom goodbye.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Amazing Race in Asia??

If anyone knows me well, they would know how much I love the Amazing Race TV reality show. They would also know that I actually planned two version of my own amazing races in Toronto. Well, last night my dream of joining the Amazing Race show almost came true.

I was watching the Season 2 premiere of Lost on AXN last night and a commercial came on which caught my attention. It started off like "Now you can race too in the Amazing Race in Asia" When I heard that, I froze in full concentration watching the full commercial, listening and taking in every small detail. Once the commercial was over, I leapt onto my feet, calling to Kenny to let him know of what I just heard. At that moment, I was full of emotions-estatic, happy, hopeful, excited, and scared.

I immediately logged onto the internet to find out more about this Amazing Race in Asia....It was like a calling to me, my only chance of ever joining the actual Amazing Race show. However, as I read the eligibility requirements, I was soon disappointed. Kenny and I met all of the requirements but one...."living/working in asia legally". We are still in the process of getting our Hong Kong ID status. The immigration office has advised us that we should be getting it in 6-8 weeks, but that is way past the deadline for applying to the Amazing Race Show. We don't have a work permit we are screwed either way. What does this mean? It means my chances of being on the show are ruined once again. The first time we couldn't join was because we didnt have US Passports, and now we can't join because we are not citizens of Asia......why why why????

I was so excited too...I was already thinking of what we could do for our 3 minute application video. Well anyways just to let you see what the Amazing Race in Asia is all about: I am so sad =(


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