The Bird Hunter and the Flies
One of Kenny's aunt has 2 dogs. One is a Jack Russell and the other is a mixed breed of something (can't remember what it was). We have been house sitting for his Aunt for the past two weeks and everyday we have been walking the dogs. The dogs love the walks, as all dogs do.
Before the owners left on their vacation, they warned us that the Jack Russell (whose name is Pepper) likes to hunt birds. When I heard this, I thought it was quite funny. What kind of dog hunts birds!!
Well, one day as Kenny was getting the dogs ready for their daily walk, I was filling up their food bowls. As I leaned down to pour in the food I saw feathers everywhere. It was inside the kennel, around the food dish and a few scattered in front of the kennel. I freaked and had an immediate flash back of the conversation I had with the owner about the dog being a bird hunter. I yelled for Kenny and showed him what I saw and he thought nothing of it. He just took a shovel and a broom and went into the kennel to sweep out the feathers and whatever bird remains there was left. I couldn't watch, so I had to leave the area and move way far back into the backyard with the dogs.
Once Kenny was done cleaning, he told me that he found no bird remains, just feathers. That means that the "bird hunter" ate every bit of the bird including the head. I think this whole bird hunting thing is disgusting, revolting, and horrible. Just writing about it now is giving me goose bumps.
Honestly, I have never heard or seen a dog that acutally hunts and eats birds. When the owner told me that Pepper hunted for birds, I thought that he just chased them and that was it, but this dog actually hunts and eats it. What dog does that? Ever since this incident, I cannot go near that dog. I just find it too sickening. As for Kenny, he thinks there is nothing to be grossed out about it..he thinks its a normal part of life for dogs...animals hunting other animals for food. In my opinion, that dog is sick, he doesnt need to hunt for food, he already has plenty of food....You don't see the other dog hunting for birds.
Well here are some pictures of the bird remains (which are just the feathers) and the infamous "Bird Hunter" and his friend.
the Bird Hunter's friend - "Chi Chi"..kind of reminds me of Goobies.
Here is the Bird Hunter again..look at those evil eyes...haa haa
The remains of the bird....
Now onto the fly situation...why are there so much flies in Melbourne. Once the weather gets hot, the flies come out. The one thing that is so annoying about them is that they are persistent little buggers. They continously fly in your face, and near your ears and mouth. It is really disgusting. Normally when we walk the dogs, there are at least 12 flies on Kenny's back and a few on his hat. I am sure I have a few on my back, but I rather not know. The picture below is just the beginning of our walk and you can see there are already 4 flies. Imagine how many there would be at the end of the walk.....ewwww
4 flies at the beginning of the walk and at the end of the walk there were 11 flies...ewwww
Can you spot the fly on his cap?
Yeah, kinda gross there!!! including the bird & the flies...*ick* hahaha
The dog looks like a half breed of Australian Dingo and domestic dog. If this is true then it is born with the wild animal side, so hunting is normal for him. But I doubt it that the dog will eat the whole bird, because I don't think bird is particluarly tasty nor is he hunt for food. The hunting is just the behaviour and he must have hidden the bird remains in his secret place.
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