Huynher's Adventure

We've finally decided to take the plunge to see the world. We are heading off to our 1-year Round the World Trip. We’ve chosen our destinations, bought our plane tickets and temporarily kissed exisitential boredom goodbye.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Can't Wait to get to Melbourne

Ok it has been almost 9 days since we have arrived in India and I am glad to be leaving. I just cant take any more of the large crowds of people and the dirtiness in India. The noise, the ppl, the honking and the free cows that roam the streets. I am just glad that we are leaving soon.

I guess that I am just missing home a lot at this point of our travels. I miss our families and friends and especially the home cooked meals. The other day I was just craving for some MSG and instant some hot "bon Yiu" soup would be just great right about now...
All I know is when I get to Melbourne I dont want to ever eat out. I only want to eat home cooked meals...hee heee =)

I really dont know how the backpackers travel for so long from home. I have only been travelling for a month and I am already missing home. I miss my own bed, my own car, and especially the "bon Yiu noodles".

I just cant wait to get to Melbourne, so that I can finally do laundry, be able to wear clean clothes and stop living out of a luggage and be able to enjoy a really nice Hot and clean bath.....Melbourne, we are coming....get ready for us.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really admire and at the same time think you guys are crazy brave! i can`t even camp out in my backyard cuz its not convenient and here you guys are doing the one year thing! unreal! this is the real survivor story people!

October 03, 2005 8:55 AM  

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