Huynher's Adventure

We've finally decided to take the plunge to see the world. We are heading off to our 1-year Round the World Trip. We’ve chosen our destinations, bought our plane tickets and temporarily kissed exisitential boredom goodbye.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Finally Ready for Take Off

Don't be fooled. Planning a year-long or more trip around the world aint easy. It has been a long and treacherous 6-8 months of research and work. Many trips to the library looking for travel books and long nights staying up searching on the internet for accomodation choices. But dont get us wrong, we have a few more hours before we take off exploring the world. We are both excited, scared and nervous about this trip. There are so much uncertainties that we cannot predict or control.

Well let me just briefly tell you how one would go about planning a trip of this length and intensity: It first begins with deciding what our destinations will be. We asked ourselves where do we want to go that will give us the best opportunity to explore and get a taste of its culture but at the same time not have to feel like we are in danger, ie: in the Phillipines, a friend advised us not to go due to the high rate of kidnappings of Chinese people for ransom. (Even when our friend goes back to the Phillipines, he hardly leaves the house) When we heard that, Phillipines was definitely crossed off our list.

Finally after weeks of careful planning and hours spent playing with Long Haul's
( online trip planner, we finally settled on a travel itinerary. Our trip around the world will take us to: London, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Florence, Venice, Athens, Cairo, Mumbai (Bombay), Delhi, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Singapore, Bangkok, Tokyo, and our last stop will be Hong Kong. A total of 18 cities within at least a year. Living out of one luggage each and hostel-hopping along the way, we plan to brave each city out solo except for Cairo where we will definitely be joining a tour. (Don't want to be wandering off on our own and ending up in the Middle East by accident) We broke the news to our parents, cashed in our savings and purchased a round the world ticket with Long Haul Travel.

The next step was the intensive research for each of the cities. We went mainly to Agincourt library looking for Fodor's, Lonely Planet and Frommers travel books. We also searched on websites like to get a feel for what each destination had to offer. I must "THANK" Lin for helping us in this department as she had made several very professional travel booklets with dividers and title pages for some of our cities. THANKS!!!! It definitely made our research a lot less painful.

From here on, it was handling the boring and most annoying administrative stuff such as extending OHIP, finding alternatives for our cash resources, renewing our passports and getting 5 vaccination shots each. I think the best part of planning this trip would be going to the backpacker stores like Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) and LeBaron Outdoor store. These stores really have a lot of cool and amazing items.

But what was it that prompted this year-long gallivant across the globe? Existential angst, an unshakeable feeling of restlessness and an inspirational news column that we read from the Toronto Metro Newspaper. It read:

“Why tell your grandkids you worked 9-5, five days a week for 40 years and quietly sat in traffic jams while people went to war, suffered disease and shot their own classmates? Tell them you refused to live in fear. Tell them you crossed the Amazon, saw the Lost Cities of Gold and met your soul mate in Casablanca. Travel to the ends of the earth. Go now and live adventures that will make your grandkids proud.”

This quote is what ignited our desire to travel longer, go further and play harder.
For me (Jamie), as my 27th birthday and subsequent quarter-life crisis approached, I felt a strong struggle to find my place in this crazy world of environmental chaos, weapons of mass destruction and pedophilic Pop Stars. Through travel, I hope to find answers to the age-old philosophical questions that continue to plague my friends and me: What do I want to be when I grow up? Will I ever be satisified with what I am doing in life? and What makes me feel fulfilled and accomplished at the end of the day?
My career and direction towards building a family life, however, will temporarily have to wait. Enlightenment is what I am looking for.

Stay tuned for our weekly ( I will try to keep it weekly) blog posts. Log onto our weblink as often as you like to keep yourself posted on our adventure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very proud of you two. Took a lot of gut to do what you are doing. Go find your dream and have a safe journey.


August 22, 2005 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie & Kenny,
We think it's amazing that you guys are doing this. Hope you two have an awsome adventure together and maybe we will meet up somewhere along your journey. Until then have a fun and safe trip.

Dawn & Jian

August 22, 2005 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you guys have a very safe and wonderful trip. Reading that last paragraph brought tears (wink jaime). But I really hope you 2 find answers to your "life questions" and everything else you're looking for!

Take care,
See you in a year!

jenny :)

August 22, 2005 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope the feeling in your legs/toes have returned Kenny boy!! i've marked your farewell from TD as one of the most memorable!!

i look fwd to your entries guys... have a safe trip, but make sure you do some things that unpredictable!


August 22, 2005 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we are still sitting here struggling with the same questions every day, you two have already started planning your life-exploring trip. You are taking the step that we are afraid to take, and you are putting your words into actions! We’re very proud of you! I hope you can find all the answers next time when we see you! Take Care & Have a Safe Trip!


Tina & Burton

August 22, 2005 9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage!

I look forward to reading about all your adventures (and mis-adventures) – from the relative safety of my cubicle at work. Have a GREAT year!

August 23, 2005 12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys!
I can't believe you guys are actually gone, we will miss you! Don't worry I will show Nathan your pictures now and then so that he won't forget "gee".
Take care of yourselves and I will be checking here often.
Miss you guys already!


August 23, 2005 8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally you two kicked off, both your journey and your blog. Well, the first article is very impressive and I'm looking foreward to the next one.
Jamie, you should be a full-time writer instead of doing the boring job every day. You just wasted your talent for years.

OK, go ahead and enjoy your adventure and I am we all enjoy your blog.


August 23, 2005 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie and Kenny, Way to Go!!!!.....I'm very jealous of you two, at the same time, as your cousin, I'm also very proud of you two....not only the courage which both of you have in order to make this happen....but also the trust you have in each other to make each other feel safe no matter where you go....I wish I can be like you (Jamie) someday where I can find 'the one' who I will make me feel safe no matter where I go....Take good care of each other....I will miss both of you....and make sure you write down all your travelling tips....I will definitely need those for my trip....Enjoy and have a great trip!!....


August 23, 2005 11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very happy to hear from both of you. Send us more adventures on your trip especially pictures.
Have a safe and wonderful trip.



August 25, 2005 12:39 AM  

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